Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Baby Jennings is on the way, Just not today!

39 weeks and she still isn't ready to come yet, but her birthday is in sight! We went to the doctor again today and she still isn't ready to make her big appearance. I'm 70%-75% effaced and still dilated to a 1, maybe a 2. If she isn't here by May 15th, I will go in that morning and get induced. The official due date is May 12. The 15th is only a week and a half away. I keep telling myself that I can do anything for 11 days! We just can't wait to meet her, see her, love her, squeeze her, hug her, and kiss her! God is so completely amazing. It is hard to believe that in less that 2 weeks Ken and I will be parents to someone that God has created out of the two of us. It is absolutely a miracle! Thank you to everyone that has been so kind, caring, and giving throughout this pregnancy. We appreciate all the prayers, thoughts, gifts, and kind words. We have been blessed in so many ways in the past year and am so thankful for everything that has come our way. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as these last days of the pregnancy approach and we itch to begin this new chapter in our lives. It is going to completely rock our world, but we are more than ready for it!!